I am a FTWM with 2 kids, i love baking, cooking during my free time. Always like to explore for good recipes of any food to try on. Hence, i decided to open an blog to keep track of my cooking records wef 21.08.09.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tang Zhong 65C Assorted Bun

This round i have adapt Florence's Tang Zhong 65C method to make this wonderful assorted bun, the filling were red bean, pork floss, choc chip and coffee bun etc. The bun is really soft even till next day.

My childred all love it and have request me to make some more especially for the coffee bun. Finally i have make it to frosted the coffee butter cream nicely on top and it spread very nicely after baked. Unfortunately, my camera's battery was low and could not snap it.
Method of making 65c Tang Zhong:
mix well 250ml water with 50g of bread flour in a small saucepan, cook over medium heat and stirring constantly with a hand whisk to prevent burning. You will see lots of small bubbles forming on the top. Keep stirring and when the bubbles disapear, you will see streatks in the mixture for every stir you make with your whisk. Stop at this stage and you will have the 65c tang zhong.
250g bread four
1 tbsp skim milk powder
80g Tang zhong
105ml warm water
4g salt
25g sugar
5g dry yeast
25g butter
1. Dump all ingredients into the bread machine and start the dough cycle.
2. Once the dough cycle is completed which is 80 minutes for my bread machine, remove dough and punch out the air from it. Rest the dough for 15 minutes.
3. Divide dough into 60gram each.
4. We rolled up the dough and seal with the desired filling and prove for about 75 minutes as the room temperature.
5. bake at 175-180C for about 15 minutes

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