I had this receipe which a book called ming shi shou yi de shi cang mi fang in mandarain that had borrowed from the national library. I had tempted by the picture which the cake look so moist. I have modify the topping by using cooking method as i prefer the custard type of chocolate coating. The folling recipe of topping is according to the book indicated. Any way, the coating is up to our preference, u may use butter cream as well.
Ingredients: Cake
(A) 90gm Cocoa powder
180 ml water
240gm Caster sugar
(B) 5 eggs (A)
1/4 tsp salt
150gm caster sugar
12 cake emulsifier
(C) 220gm self raising flour
(D) 1 tsp Vanilla essence
20ml water
(E) 300gm Anchor butter (soften)
Ingredient: Topping
(F) 60gm Anchor whipping cream
140gm cooking choclate
(G) A dash of chocolate powder
1. Mix ingredient A, Stir over low heat until the sugar melts. Set aside
2. Pour ingredients B into food processor and blander, use the beaters to whisk until thick and fluffy for about 1 minutes. Fold in ingredient C, mixing in lightly. Add ingredients D and mix well. Mix in result from Step (1), stir well.
3. Pour ingredient E into CW electronic food processor & blender, use the beaters to whisk for 2 minutes until thick and fluffy.
4. Mix the results of steps 2 and 3. Pour batter onto a lined 10 inch round cake tin. (I am using 9" inch square tin)
5. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 60-70 mins.
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